community highlights
Message to Community It is with great enthusiasm and resolve that I undertake my professional responsibilities as your Ambassador, but it is with profound personal determination and passion that I embrace the task of creating a strong sense of identity and cooperation within our Yemeni population here in Canada. A community is made up of more than a single narrative; it is a rich and complex compilation of the fascinating life stories of each member and tales of the remarkable journeys that brought them to their destinations. I know you all have your own unique chronicles of the conquests and challenges associated with living in this magnificent country, and I welcome the opportunity of meeting you and learning about your experiences and triumphs. I look to the shining example of the Yemeni communities cultivated in South East Asia by those who left Hadramaut many generations ago. The descendants of these individuals have been successfully assimilated and collectively flourished within a totally different society, yet they still cherish a strong Arab identity and connection with each other. It is my great ambition to make you feel connected to your roots in Yemen and your fellow community here, by making our Embassy and its services truly accessible and welcoming to all of you. While our mandate is to fulfill specific functions and distribute useful information, I know that we can accomplish more. I hope you will utilize us as a useful tool in the building of relationship, a window through which important news can be shared and talents showcased, a vehicle by which the bonds that unite us can be strengthened and above all, a trusted friend whose door will be readily open in order to listen and offer guidance to each one of you as you strive to achieve your ultimate goals.
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'If the form has not been submitted execute the following code
If Request.Form="" Then %>
<% 'If the form has been submitted execute the following code Else 'receive the form values Dim sFName, sMName, sLName, sBDay, sMDay, sYDay, sTNum, sEtxt, sHAddress, sNFamily, sOtxt, sIHobbtxt sFName=Request.Form("FirstName") sMName=Request.Form("MiddleName") sLName=Request.Form("LastName") sBDay=Request.Form("BirthDay") sMDay=Request.Form("MonthDay") sYDay=Request.Form("YearDay") sTNum=Request.Form("TelNum") sEmail=Request.Form("Emailtxt") sHAddress=Request.Form("HomeAddress") sNFamily=Request.Form("NumFamily") sOtxt=Request.Form("Occupationtxt") sIHobbtxt=Request.Form("IntHobbtxt") ' create the HTML formatted email text Dim sEmailText sEmailText = sEmailText & "" sEmailText = sEmailText & "" sEmailText = sEmailText & " Community Data Form: " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Name: " & sFName & " " & sMName & " " & sLName & " " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Date of Birth: " & sMDay & " " & sBDay & ", " & sYDay &" " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Address: Phone Number: " & sTNum & " E-mail: " & sEmail & " Home Address: " & sHAddress &" " sEmailText = sEmailText & "More Info: Number of Family Members: " & sNFamily & " Occupation: " & sOtxt & " Interests, Hobbies: " & sIHobbtxt &" " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Security Info: " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Date & Time: " & Now() & " " sEmailText = sEmailText & "User IP : " & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") sEmailText = sEmailText & "" sEmailText = sEmailText & "" 'create the mail object Set NewMailObj=CreateObject("CDO.Message") NewMailObj.From=sEmail 'This is the email of the feedback sender NewMailObj.To = "cultural@yemenembassy.ca" 'change to your address NewMailObj.Subject = "Community Data Form" NewMailObj.HTMLBody = sEmailText NewMailObj.Send Set NewMailObj=Nothing Response.write " Thank you for your Information."
End If
%> |