Greeting to Students On February 14th, the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen hosted a gathering, during which I had the great opportunity to make the acquaintance of an exceptional group of young people, a collection of individuals of whom I am immensely proud and who represent the future of our country… our prized Yemeni students. The fundamental importance of knowledge and education was established in the Year 610 by the first word of the Angel Gabriel’s revelation to Muhammad “Peace be upon Him”, when he spoke the definitive word, “Iqraa”, meaning “to read”. Gabriel’s message from Alah was more than a recommendation of the benefits of scholarly pursuits, it was in essence the founding principle of Islam. Each one of you, in the quest for learning can consider yourselves in very good company! It is one of my most passionate goals, during my term here, to strengthen the bonds of communication between you and the Embassy, providing not only vital links directly to your homeland, but also assistance and encouragement during your educational experience in Canada. It is my privilege and sincere ambition to make you feel at home and support you as you transform your dreams into reality, reaching your full potential as scholars and leaders of the Republic of Yemen, and champions of the future.
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'If the form has not been submitted execute the following code
If Request.Form="" Then %>
<% 'If the form has been submitted execute the following code Else 'receive the form values Dim sFName, sMName, sLName, sBDay, sMDay, sYDay, sTNum, sEtxt, sHAddress, sUniversitytxt, sDegreeObtxt, sDateArrtxt, sIHobbtxt sFName=Request.Form("FirstName") sMName=Request.Form("MiddleName") sLName=Request.Form("LastName") sBDay=Request.Form("BirthDay") sMDay=Request.Form("MonthDay") sYDay=Request.Form("YearDay") sTNum=Request.Form("TelNum") sEmail=Request.Form("Emailtxt") sHAddress=Request.Form("HomeAddress") sUniversitytxt=Request.Form("Universitytxt") sDegreeObtxt=Request.Form("DegreeObtxt") sDateArrtxt=Request.Form("DateArrtxt") sIHobbtxt=Request.Form("IntHobbtxt") ' create the HTML formatted email text Dim sEmailText sEmailText = sEmailText & "" sEmailText = sEmailText & "" sEmailText = sEmailText & " Statistical Student form: " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Name: " & sFName & " " & sMName & " " & sLName & " " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Date of Birth: " & sMDay & " " & sBDay & ", " & sYDay &" " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Address: Phone Number: " & sTNum & " E-mail: " & sEmail & " Home Address: " & sHAddress &" " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Student Info: University: " & sUniversitytxt & " Degree Obtained: " & sDegreeObtxt & " Date of Arrival to Canada: " & sDateArrtxt &" Interests, Hobbies: " & sIHobbtxt &" " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Security Info: " sEmailText = sEmailText & "Date & Time: " & Now() & " " sEmailText = sEmailText & "User IP : " & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") sEmailText = sEmailText & "" sEmailText = sEmailText & "" 'create the mail object Set NewMailObj=CreateObject("CDO.Message") NewMailObj.From=sEmail 'This is the email of the feedback sender NewMailObj.To = "cultural@yemenembassy.ca" 'change to your address NewMailObj.Subject = "STUDENTS DATA FORM" NewMailObj.HTMLBody = sEmailText NewMailObj.Send Set NewMailObj=Nothing Response.write " Thank you for your Information."
End If
%> |